Peachy Bloom
QAR 199.00The Peachy Blooms bouquet is a delightful arrangement that exudes warmth and charm with its soft, peach-colored blossoms. This bouquet features a lovely assortment of flowers in varying shades of...
Lavender Bliss Bouquet
QAR 199.00At its center are elegant lavender roses, their petals unfolding gracefully to reveal layers of soft color and gentle fragrance. Intertwined with the roses and fillers, such as wax or...
Daisy Love
QAR 150.00 Daisy Love is an elegant and striking arrangement that combines the timeless beauty of white calla lilies with the bold contrast of vibrant red fillers.
Carnation Medley
QAR 150.00Within the bouquet, you may find carnations in shades of pink, white, and even bi-color varieties, each bloom adding its own unique charm and personality.
Sunlit Serenity
QAR 199.00At its center are delicate blooms such as pale yellow roses and creamy white roses, each petal illuminated by the soft light of dawn. This bouquet radiates beauty and tranquility,...
Snowy Tulip Serenade
QAR 199.00Each tulip is like a graceful dancer. The pristine white blooms exude a sense of purity and tranquility, evoking the peacefulness of a snowy landscape.
Snowy Infant Blossoms
QAR 150.00Snowy Infant Blossoms is an enchanting bouquet features a selection of pure white flowers, evoking the serene beauty of freshly fallen snow.
Pure Garden Harmony
QAR 175.00The green foliage serves as a backdrop, enhancing the bouquet's natural beauty and providing a sense of balance and harmony. Together, the white blooms and greenery create a timeless and...
Pink Petal Embrace
QAR 299.00Wrapped in a delicate pink ribbon that mirrors the tulips' soft tones, the Pink Petal Embrace bouquet is a symbol of tenderness and affection.
Pink Daisy Delight
QAR 125.00Wrapped in a light pink ribbon that complements the flowers beautifully, the Pink Daisy Delight bouquet is a sweet and enchanting gift for any occasion.
Mini Fuchsia Charm
QAR 125.00The Mini Fuchsia Charm bouquet is a burst of vibrant energy and playful elegance. Featuring a captivating array of bright 12 stem fuchsia roses with fillers.
Golden Rose Bouquet
QAR 175.00Accentuating 15 stem golden yellow roses are lush green fillers, which provide a beautiful contrast and enhance the bouquet's natural beauty. These green fillers add texture and depth, creating a visually...
Fuchsia Charm
QAR 299.00Accented with touches of lush greenery, the Fuchsia Charm bouquet radiates freshness and vitality. Wrapped in a coordinating ribbon, it exudes a sense of youthful charm and whimsy.
Elegance Noir
QAR 250.00This bouquet features a captivating blend of deep, rich blooms, predominantly in shades of velvety black and dark burgundy, interspersed with accents of elegant foliage.
Baby Blush Blossoms
QAR 99.00A delicate arrangement of fresh flowers, featuring exquisite light pink baby roses delicately nestled within a bed of lush green foliage.
Blue Reflections
QAR 199.00Exquisite dark blue roses arranged in a stunning vase, bringing elegance to any setting.
Mini Orchids Elegance
QAR 150.00Introducing our mini white orchids plant—perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any office desk or space. With its petite size and delicate blooms, this plant brings a sense...
Brown Garden
QAR 250.00Indulge in a bouquet of serene beauty with our enchanting arrangement featuring lavender and white Color-roses, baby roses, Gerbera, Anthurium, and Wax fillers, all elegantly displayed in a rich brown...